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Village Nissan
25 South Unionville Ave, Unionville, Ontario, L3R 6B8When you're ready to say goodbye to your old car and welcome a newer model into your life, the first thing you'll need to do is find out how much your current vehicle is worth.
Navigating the automotive industry can be a bit tricky, making it tough to pinpoint a car’s value.
That's where vehicle valuation tools come in handy. One of the most popular tools out there is the Canadian Black Book (CBB). While it may not be an actual book anymore — it's now conveniently online — the Canadian Black Book remains a top choice for automotive pricing.
CBB uses historical and transactional sales data from across the provinces to offer the most accurate vehicle values to buyers, sellers, and dealers alike.
Canadian Black Book has made the exciting move to an online platform, continuing its legacy as a trusted source for valuing both new and used vehicles.
In addition to this, they offer tailored data licensing solutions and provide valuable support to lenders with origination and risk analysis.
If you're in the market to buy or sell cars and trucks privately, Canadian Black Book is your go-to resource for determining your car's trade-in value or ensuring the price you're considering is fair and reasonable.
They achieve this by thoroughly analyzing nationwide auction and online sales data.
It's easy! Just begin by entering your vehicle's basic information below and follow the prompts as they appear. When you reach the final step, don't forget to have your evaluation emailed directly to you. This way, you can easily share it with the brand ambassador you're collaborating with.